Farmers Guardian podcast: Inclusive Farm co-founder Mike Duxbury and dairy farmer Rory Chrisite on the power of diversity and inclusivity in farming

A look back at the power of diversity with Mike Duxbury, a blind farmer who provides opportunities for disabled people to get into farming, and Dourie farmer Rory Christie at the Oxford Farming Conference

clock • 1 min read
We are joined by Inclusive Farm co-founder Mike Duxbury and dairy farmer Rory Christie on this week's podcast

We are joined by Inclusive Farm co-founder Mike Duxbury and dairy farmer Rory Christie on this week's podcast

This week's podcast is a very special insight into diversity and inclusivity in farming from the Oxford Farming Conference.

News reporter Chris Brayford sat down with Inclusive Farm co-founder Mike Duxbury and dairy farmer Rory Christie, from Dumfries, during the conference to discuss the issues surrounding diversity in farming and the positive inroads being made to discover the power of inclusion in agriculture.

Mr Duxbury, who was registered blind at the age of six-years-old, provided an inspirational key-note speech at the Oxford Farming Conference to showcase how anything can be achieved regardless of your background through hard work and dedication.

He challenged the industry to do even more to recognise people for their commitment and determination to succeed as farmers - rather than by detailing what they cannot do.

The team from Farmers Guardian - including Chris, chief reporter Rachael Brown and editor Olivia Midgley - were all at the conference last week to listen to a jam-packed programme on the power of diversity.

We gained reaction and thoughts from farmers and industry leaders who participated in some thought-provoking and challenging debate around the issues impacting diversity in farming.

There are still many challenges the industry faces in becoming more diverse - not just in the people who it recruits, but in its thoughts and actions.

But we cannot forget the positive steps the farming profession has made in becoming one of the most welcoming and adaptable professions in the world.

We should be proud of this industry and the in-roads it is making to learn, adapt and overcome the barriers to farming.

We really hope you enjoy this week's podcast.




Delaval Blue Diamond 32/32

Delaval Blue Diamond 32/32


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Heavy duty replacement troughs


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